PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT INFAK SHODAQAH (Studi Pada Nu Care-Lazisnu dan Lazismu Kabupaten Magelang)
DOI: Kunci:
ZIS, Management, LAZISNU, LAZISMUAbstrak
The population of Indonesian Muslims is very large, based on
the 2010 census, adherents of Islam in Indonesia are 207,176,162 people
or 87.18% of the total population of Indonesia, this certainly has an
impact on the potential for receiving and collecting Zakat, Infak and
Sodaqah (ZIS). There are several amil zakat institutions that are legal
and recognized by the people of Indonesia, for example LazisNu under
the auspices of the Nahdlatul Ulama organization and LazisMu under
the auspices of the Muhammadiyah organization. This study aims to
determine the differences in ZIS management at NU CARE-LAZISNU
and LAZISMU in Magelang Regency, both in terms of collection
management, ZIS management management, and ZIS distribution
management. This study uses a qualitative method using primary data
and secondary data. The results of this study are in general the
management of ZIS management at NU Care-LAZISNU and LAZISMU
in Magelang Regency has different characteristics but there are some
similarities in several aspects. In the collection management, NU CareLAZISNU Magelang Regency uses the direct and indirect collection
method by prioritizing the NU KOIN movement as the main program,
while LAZISMU Magelang Regency uses the direct and indirect
collection method by selling all its programs. In management, NU CareLAZISNU Magelang Regency has a management structure at the
District and Village levels using a decentralized pattern, while
LAZISMU Magelang Regency has representatives at the sub-district
level and 8 service offices whose task is to collect ZIS funds from the
community using a centralized management pattern. In terms of
distribution, NU Care-LAZISNU in Magelang Regency carried out in
collaboration with the Autonomous Body and other institutions under the auspices of Nahdlatul Ulama, while LAZIMU in Magelang Regency
is carried out directly by it self.
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 M Pudail, Tolkhah Alwi (Penulis)

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