ALOKASI BELANJA NEGARA (Studi Komparasi Era Rasulullah dan Khulafaurrasyidin dengan Era Pemerintahan Joko Widodo Periode 2014-2019)
DOI: Kunci:
State Expenditure Allocation, State Budget, Fiscal PolicyAbstrak
Activities that increase state expenditure have a certain impact on people's socio-economic lives. A leader must be able to meet the needs of his people, the main needs such as food, clothing, housing, health, education, security, welfare, etc., through a policy made by a head of state. The Islamic state government no longer needs to make (new) types of expenditures and renewals every year, because the chapters and their explanations have been determined directly by Allah, and also do not need to seek public approval (through their representatives in the DPR) on the matter. This will be very different from a democratic (non-Islamic) country such as Indonesia, which determines the types of revenues and expenditures through people's decisions (DPR) and is done through voting. From the results of the literature study, it was concluded that the equation of the allocation of state expenditure, namely: (1) Infrastructure Development and Connectivity, (2) Provision of Health and Social Welfare Services, (3) War and Security Fleet Development, and (4) Education Movement. While the differences are: (1) the Spread of Islam, (2) the Scope of Baitul Maal Activities, (3) the Distribution of Assistance and Village Funds, (4) Providing Allowances (5) the Implementation of the Democratic Agenda, and (6) Anticipation of Uncertainty (Alert Fund).
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Abdul Wahab (Penulis)

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