
  • Purwanto Purwanto STAI Al Husain Magelang Penulis



Kata Kunci:

Wakaf, Management Wakaf, Productive


One alternative that is expected to overcome the problem 
of poverty is the active participation of the community in developing 
cash waqf or management of productive waqf. If the potential of this 
waqf can be coordinated and managed properly, then this can 
provide an alternative contribution to the positive solution to the 
problem of poverty. However, the potential of waqf cannot be utilized 
optimally because of obstacles. This study is qualitative research 
that uses descriptive exploratory research designs. The data 
collection techniques used are conducting interviews and 
documentation. The data analysis technique used in this study is 
descriptive qualitative analysis. The use of the analytical method is 
in accordance with the type of data produced, namely qualitative 
data in the form of interviews and documentation, regarding what 
are the obstacles in the management of productive waqf. After the 
research was carried out, the results found that the obstacles in 
the management of the first productive endowments were HR or 
Nazhir factors. Employment as Nazhir was a side job, so work as 
Nazhir was carried out if there was free time. Both the allotment 
property or waqf pledges. In general, wakif, when carrying out waqf 
pledges, immediately mentions the allocation of waqf assets. Third, 
the socialization has not been maximized. Fourth is financial or fund 
factors because managing waqf assets requires no small amount of 


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Cara Mengutip

HAMBATAN DALAM PENGELOLAAN WAKAF PRODUKTIF. (2023). Wahana Islamika: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 3(2), 94-112. https://doi.org/10.61136/6acwmd24

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